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The procedure for submitting a dissertation in 9 steps

Important information about completing your doctoral studies is provided on the website of Office for Studies. We summarize the procedure in 9 steps.

  1. The candidate first requests by e-mail to the Office for Studies ( to set up a thesis archive in the IS MU. In the same message, he/she communicates to the Office for Studies the final title of the dissertation in the language of the thesis and in English, consulted with the supervisor.
  2. The candidate consults the supervisor about the final version of the thesis, appendices, annotation and keywords.
  3. The candidate uploads the complete text of the dissertation including appendices, annotation in Czech and English and keywords in Czech and English.
  4. The candidate then closes the archive.
  5. The supervisor checks the dissertation in the dissertation archive and confirms the legibility of the file and the originality of the dissertation.
  6. The candidate fills in any missing data in the Individual Study Plan application in IS MU and informs the supervisor, who checks the Individual Study Plan and, if everything is in order, confirms its completion.
  7. The candidate submits an application for defence to the Study Department using the form by sending an e-mail from the official address in the IS MU (external e-mail box cannot be used) to ATTENTION: The dissertation, including the application for the defence, must be submitted at least one semester before the maximum period of studies expires.

    • Together with the application form, or later during the semester of the defense, the candidate also sends electronically all the obligatory annexes to the thesis listed at the Study Department website.

    • Dissertations can be submitted continuously throughout the academic year. However, for the defense in the spring semester, the dissertation, including the application for examination and defense and all required appendices, must be submitted no later than 31 January. The deadline for the defence in the autumn semester (i.e., by mid-February) is 31 August.

  8. If everything is in order, the Office of Studies will asks the Programme Board chair to nominate reviewers and the examining committee.

  9. In the semester of the defense, the Office for Studies and the Programme Board checks whether graduation requirements are met, all courses completed, and the Individual Study Plan fulfilled.