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Dissertation: format

During their studies, students produce a dissertation. The thesis must contain original and significant research results.

Two dissertation formats

In accordance with the MU Study and Examination Regulations, the dissertation may be either 1) a monograph or 2) a collection of thematically related studies already published or accepted for publication, accompanied by a comprehensive introduction to the subject and a commentary.

1) Dissertation as a monograph

In the first case, it is a monographic study of between 180 000 and 270 000 characters including spaces (100-150 standard pages).

Even witn a monographic dissertation, one article published in an academic journal covered in either the Scopus or Web of Science databases is required.

2) Dissertation as a collection of studies

In the second case, there is no minimum or maximum character limit, but the collection must contain either at least three publications as lead author or at least two publications as lead author and two more as co-authors. The publications must have been published or accepted for publication in journals included in the Scopus or Web of Science databases or it must be chapters in an academic book (not a paper in conference proceedings!) published by a publisher on the Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts list of category A and B publishers with one exception, which can be an article in a journal not covered in those databases, a book chapter published by a publisher not listed on the category A and B list, or paper in conference proceedings.

The collection must be accompanied by (1) a preface (or acknowledgements) with a detailed explanation of the doctoral student's contribution and bibliographic data of the individual studies, (2) a comprehensive introduction to the subject holding the studies together, and (3) a final commentary of the results. If co-authored studies are included, the Study Regulations (section 31) further require "the student’s statement on the extent of their creative contribution for each such outcome". In practice, this statement is part of the preface / acknowledgements.

Required formal requirements

The obligatory part of the thesis is the title page, which includes the name of the university, faculty and institute, the title of the thesis, the name of the preparer, the name of the supervisor, the place and year of completion. Furthermore, the thesis must be accompanied by a statement by the author on the originality of the thesis, a table of contents, a list of references used and bibliographic references. It is mandatory to use the MUNI Arts template.

The thesis is submitted only in the digital form.